by gkiacovelli | Feb 1, 2021
An antique late Georgian-era gold lring with 2 colors of hair woven within. The hair has been palette-worked into a basket weave. Please refer to the FAQ page for details on how its made and how to care for hair jewelry. Locket provided by Antique...
by gkiacovelli | Jan 31, 2021
Custom-made sterling silver ring with azurite stone, made with 6″ long hair. The hair has been table-braided into a ultra tight braid so they can be worn daily without fear of pulling. Please refer to the FAQ page for details on how its made and how to care for...
by gkiacovelli | Jan 25, 2021
Custom-made pair of sterling silver wedding bands, made with the 3″ long beard hair and 7″ long head hair. The hair has been table-braided into a ultra tight braid so they can be worn daily without fear of pulling. Please refer to the FAQ page for details...
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